Abouts Us

We don’t think this products should be a luxury item. So we searched the world for the best products and eco-friendly products to give you 25-50% off retail prices.

And why is it that Hong Kong has to wait for their orders for so long? We live in a city of convenience and speed, so buying your favourite products should be no different!

We also believe that we have a responsibility to care for the environment.

We always do our very best to source products which have the smallest environmental footprint, we up-cycle our packaging and ship by sea to reduce our carbon footprint.

Hong Kong has been left out for so long, enjoy our free, same day delivery always at the best prices .

Our Team

We know, use and can personally vouch for all the products we sell.

Our online selection offers the same bounty of international products we love ourselves and aims to be your one-stop-shop for all your family’s nutritional and wellness needs.

Visit frequently as we will bring you an ever-expanding selection of international brands, as well as new ones that are aligned with our values that we hope you will also love.

Our Mission

To bring affordable, high quality to customers all around Asia..

Our Values

The Store is not just a business. It is a group of people who truly believe that everyone should have access to affordable. We take the time to carefully consider the brands we offer our customers. We care about the ingredients in the products we sell and we are mindful of the environmental footprint.